Thursday, May 9, 2013

Flying High

(I have been meaning to write this post for nearly a year but I misplaced the photos and only just found them so here we go)

You know how there is this tiny group of people who can't do really fun things most people can? Like roller-blade, ice-skate, ski or even play freaking ball games? Well unfortunately for me, that tiny group includes me. Though what I lack in skill, I make up for with courage. I will attempt anything ONCE, and predictably, fail miserably at it.  

So when a co-worker (Hey Rob!) suggested we go to a trapeze class with him, I immediately thought right, here we go. let's do this once, I'll say I've tried and then I'll never have to do it again. Which is how we found ourselves at in Chelsea Piers on a BEAUTIFUL Sunday afternoon last Spring.

There's Rob!

The NY Trapeze School rig is set up on top of Pier 40 - overlooking the Hudson River with sweeping views of Hoboken. The view is even more amazing from the top of the platform, 23 feet above the ground. 

The first and second swing involves getting used to the bar and performing a knee hang. I know, knee what? So you swing out, then at the right moment yelled at by the ground instructor, you put your knees through your hands and hook them around the bar. Except I have short arms and long legs which meant I could not for the life of me get my knees through. I fell to the net and could not stop shaking from the utter hopelessness I felt. 

Trapeze is apparently for everyone even the disproportionately sized, so on the next go (and still shaking mind you), I was told to swing my legs out and around to get my knees over the bar: 

With my knees comfortably on the bar, the instructor yelled to let go and swing upside down like so:

I was then taught to let go and do a flip dismount - which was surprisingly easy and requires ZERO acrobatic ability. Thank you gravity and momentum for my first ever somersault of any kind:

Now that knee hangs were out of the way, we were instructed on how to catch: so we do a knee hang per usual and when approaching the front of the second swing, we stretch our arms out to meet the catcher on a bar on the opposite side of the rig:


So I went another time: 

Trapeze is about letting go of fears and preconceptions. Once you jump (which is frankly the scariest moment), the only things to focus on are the instructions coming from the ground and to STOP THINKING. I felt so proud of myself for going back up the platform even after the literally shaky start.  

Now that the rig is open for the year, I am craving that exhilarating feeling again and would love to go back. If you ever want to give it a go and need company, you know where to reach me!

Photos 1-3 and shaky video via iPhone, the rest via TSNY


  1. You are sooooooo cool! Way to go! I love the photos in mid-air!
    I think I could handle the swingy air part, but I would never get to the top with my vertigo legs... :(

  2. This looks so scary and yet so fun!

  3. That is so cool! It's like the Sex & the City episode when Carrie and Stanford go and he shouts at her, "You're the queen of the world!" And then she shouts to him, "You're the queen of the world!" and Stanford goes, "HA HA!" It makes me laugh everytime and it's the first thing I thought of when I saw this post :)

    1. I've been playing that scene in my head non stop since you mentioned it! They are both so funny

  4. Seriously so much fun - you guys should try it sometime!

  5. Trapeze lessons is on my list of things to do and just a matter of time before I get to it! :)
