Sunday, May 12, 2013

Five Things

Happy Mothers' Day everyone! Celebrations with my amma are postponed until I see her next month but I hope everyone is having a grand time with their mums, whether they are near or far. 

I was recently tagged by Hitha to reveal five things you may not know about me. My About page has a bunch of silly facts already so trying to think of 5 more was nothing short of challenging. I may have alluded to some of these in previous posts so apologies if some of these do not come as a surprise:

1. My first time in the United States was in February 2008, to visit the then-boyfriend, S who was on secondment in New York. We stayed in a killer apartment in Times Square (I remember the area not being as insane and swarming with tourists as it is these days). The highlight among everything else was seeing snow for the first time. I saw, felt and experienced pure white flakes of happiness I had previously only seen on TV. Naturally I ran up to the apartment rooftop and lay on the ground to make snow angels. You know, just like on TV. Thankfully I now know better than to lie on any outdoor NYC surface. And I love snow more than I ever knew I could.

2. My eyesight is awful. Like -8.75/-9.25 awful. This means my glasses are heavy and clunky so I am a devout contact lens wearer. Though after a year-long fight against amoebas in my eye a decade ago, I am only allowed to use gas permeable hard lens. Not the comfiest but definitely the easiest to maintain. Rinsing lens in tap water easy. Regardless, you can not imagine how much I am looking forward to getting corrective surgery done. 2014 baby. I CANNOT WAIT. 
3. I am quadrilingual. My first six years of formal education was conducted entirely in Mandarin. Can't say I don't kick out of freaking people out when I multiply out loud in Chinese. Beng Malaysian, I am also fluent in Malay, the national language. Lastly, my dad was rightfully insistent we learnt our mother tongue. Like most things I wasn't grateful for until I was older, I am thankful I went to weekly Tamil classes as a kid. S and I speak seven languages between us - alas only English overlaps. Furniture shopping is decidedly tougher with no secret language to discuss in. 
4. I am a child of the Commonwealth - especially in the choice of beverages I consume. I have a cup of tea post-dinner most days (usually of the black variety and with milk and sugar). Instead of soda, I get my sugar fix from Ribena (I also went through a phase of having it with a dash of vodka). Nothing soothes my heart and calms my soul than the steaming cup of Milo I have multiple times a week. I am convinced Australian-made Milo tastes superior, so no guest is allowed to visit us from Down Under without bringing over a couple of those green-coloured tins. 
J Crew punk floral skirt, Kookai Paris polka dot silk blouse, strand of Borneo pearls (sim), Lanvin pink ballerina pumps (sim), Warby Parker Fitz glasses

5. I do not have my driver's licence. In any jurisdiction. This alone makes me appear like the quintessential New Yorker. If I ever left NYC, I will either need  a chauffeur (hello fiancé!) or move to a city with an insanely awesome public transportation grid. 

While I specifically tag Milsters, Dajana, Daina, Grace and Wendy, I hope you, my readers will also share in the comments something people may not already know about you.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


  1. You are going to be so happy after your eye surgery! I had the PRK procedure a few years ago (I was practically blind as well), and it was seriously life changing. After wearing contacts for almost fifteen years, I was so ready to be done with them!

    Fun post! I learned a lot about you :) Hope you had a great weekend!

    1. ooooh we need to talk about everything PRK!

      I hope you have the chance to blog about your five things sometime!

  2. Loved your five things! I can't wait to get LASIK as well - though I'm probably going to wait until we have children, since your eyesight can change during pregnancy. Ugh.

    1. Ha I don't think I can wait a few years - since I've waited for good eyesight for over 23 years!
      Thanks for tagging me Hitha - this was so fun to put together

  3. I have horrible eye sight too! BTW: I'm -9.5! And no, it's not out of ten (I asked my optometrist that before. It's actually out of 15, I think.) I'm also a contact lense dependant: I can only see shapes and blobs without them. lol

    1. I had a feeling it was not out of 10 - though it certainly feels like it!

      I am ace at recognising people via the shapes and blobs you speak of. Seriously how blind are we??

  4. I have terrible eye sight-but, am afraid to have the surgery. I'm -6! I don't drive either, but will be learning over the summer...finally. Am glad that you love snow and am wondering when you two will make it to Colorado-summertime please! If you do, let me know and I will set up an amazing trip.

    1. Dude 2014 is also the year of the Colorado trip!

      Wow you are probably the one other person I know above the age of 25 without a licence. I know I will get one soon but probably when I get back to a left-hand-drive nation!

  5. That skirt is darling on you!

    I had Lasik done a few years ago - Best money spent ever. What a difference in being able to just see without messing with lenses or glasses!

  6. wow- all these people who have had their eyesight fixed! I still feel scared of the idea, but then I'm also pretty darn firmly attached to glasses wearing. I'm not sure that I could recognize my face without them!

    You look awesome in the punk flora skirt- gorgeous pairing with the navy dots too. swoon.

    And I have no license to drive either- no point, living in the city, plus I have terrible, terrible reaction time!
