Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

The devastation Sandy left behind is staggering but we were so fortunate to be spared. While downtown New York and a great part of the Eastern Seaboard is without power or water, we have both. From our window in a highrise midtown apartment building, the rain passed through like a whisper in the night. If not for social media and the news on tv, we would not have known otherwise.

It is by absolute chance that we were not adversely affected. In return for our good fortune, we have opened our home to loved ones to recharge devices, have showers and spend the night. 

If you can help, please visit the Red Cross, call 800-red-cross, or text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a donation. Blood donations are also in severe shortage - please visit Red Cross Blood to find out where the nearest donation centre. 

p.s. - how New Yorker's really reacted to Hurricane Sandy


  1. Glad you're ok. That photo is crazy! Also, love that Jezebel link. :)

  2. I think one of my fave photos has to be the one going around of a bunch of new yorkers standing around a tree, their phones all plugged into the tree lights to charge!! sweet.

    There is so much sad and devastating news from this storm (Staten Island, the Soho galleries...) that it's nice to see the cute stuff too.
