Thursday, September 13, 2012

Back to reality

Hello everyone!

My holiday ended in the blink of an eye but boy, was it FABULOUS!

I am however royally knackered! The excessive indulging coupled with not a lot of sleep (fear of missing out on any part of the holiday perhaps?) meant I came home with a throat so sore it felt sandpapered. Oh and I also have a dance performance in Philadelphia coming up this weekend. 

Please allow me a few days to recover. 

In the meantime, I shall leave you with some initial observations...:

  • Basque weddings are INCREDIBLE. My darling friend, TTL and her husband, X's wedding festivities lasted over 15 hours and I probably danced for half of that. 
  • San Sebastian is so beautiful and Donostians are some of the loveliest people I have ever met.
  • I ate my weight in macarons, chocolates, icecream, cheese and croissants in Paris; and promptly walked it all off.
  • I can't stand the incessant smoking everywhere in the City of Light. Is this why the French are so slim?
  • The Jardins (Luxembourg and Tuileries) put the New York City parks to shame. 
  • European men are delightfully charming ;)

...and a few of my favourite Instagram photos from the trip. Forgive me if you have already seen these already:

I look forward to posting details of the trip soon. Till then ta ta for now! 

P.s. this is my 100th post!


  1. Welcome home! I can't wait to see photos of your trip. Your instagram pictures made me swoon every time. Congrats on 100 posts!

  2. Usha!! the Donostians are gg to miss u... So great to meet you!! xoxoxoxo Eli

  3. congrats on your 100th post! the macaroon in the last picture looks DIVINE!! looking forward to pics of your purchases :)

  4. Happy 100th post! And your photos are beautiful, it looks like it was an incredible trip!
